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April 2021 Script Sales

April 2021 Script Sales

Because we pitch all our winners’ scripts to top producers, we’re always keeping a finger on the industry’s pulse. But if you want WriteMovies to pitch your work to industry, you’d better move fast – our Spring Contest extension closes this Sunday June 6th, and this will the LAST CHANCE to submit to one of our Grand Prize Contests THIS YEAR!

This is a crucial moment for the movie industry as we start to emerge from the pandemic, cinemas reopen, and audiences (hopefully) flock back into theaters. WriteMovies will be hard at work over the coming months engaging with the industry, so we’re paying close attention to the script sales from April 2021 and you should do the same.

If you really want to make the most of this moment, make sure you enter our Spring Contest. The Grand Prize winner receives $3500, and the top three scripts all receive script development, pitching to industry, and more. Click here to enter!


Introducing… WriteMovies’ Schedule of Online Sessions!

Introducing… WriteMovies’ Schedule of Online Sessions!

No screenwriter is ever done learning. If you want to become the best writer you can possibly be, you need to keep improving your craft and learning from others – and that’s why WriteMovies has created a full series of online sessions for screenwriters!

On June 3rd, we’re taking a look at Killer Concepts: Generating Ideas for Your Scripts, and on June 10th, Key Aspects of Writing and Storytelling. Whatever you’re interested in, we’ll be covering it and sharing insights and invaluable advice about it.

Concept, structure, characters, dialogue – we’ll deal with all elements of writing a screenplay, right through to pitching your finished work to industry and developing your career as a screenwriter.

Take a look at the full schedule of events here!

We’ll also be doing interviews with experts and professionals including screenwriters, producers, and more, giving you the fast-track about working in the industry and what you need to do to succeed!

Plus, these sessions are a part of WriteMovies Academy, meaning you can get access to ALL of them on demand for a single purchase – subscribers of each phase get access to all its sessions for free!

WriteMovies has more than 20 years experience mentoring writers and taking their scripts to top producers worldwide, not only in the US but elsewhere too. Take advantage of these online sessions to find out everything we’ve learned and take the next steps on your screenwriting journey.

So what are you waiting for? Learn from the best with WriteMovies – click here to look at the full schedule of online sessions and start booking your place!

Spring Contest extended to June 6th!

Spring Contest – Deadline on May 23rd!

The deadline for the WriteMovies Spring Contest is in just one week on May 23rd! Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win the Grand Prize of $3500 and more!

As the industry slowly gets back to normal, the demand for spec scripts and the potential opportunities for screenwriters in 2021 could be huge. The pandemic has changed the world and the movie industry along with it.

Back in the ‘90s, the spec script had a golden age. As reported by, there were 173 spec scripts sold in 1995, a staggering number compared to modern-day figures. We think there’s potential for these numbers to increase again because of the pandemic and the way film distribution has worked during this unstable time.

Streaming services are vital in the present day and are the most popular way that people consume films and TV shows, with services like Netflix producing their own films and releasing them exclusively on their own platforms. At the same time, major production companies were unable to put their films into cinemas during the pandemic.

As a result, these companies started releasing their movies on VoD and streaming services instead, sometimes for a higher fee. What does this mean for screenwriters? Well, with people able to easily consume new films at home without even needing to get up off the couch, there will be a constant demand for new films and scripts.

This, in turn, means that a film’s opening weekend and box-office numbers won’t be the only thing producers look at, and they’re far more likely to take risks on spec scripts because of the constant demand from streaming and VoD.

Here at WriteMovies, we make sure all our winners are in the best position possible when pitching to the industry. Click here to enter before the deadline and have a chance of winning our 2021 Spring Contest!

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Award – Final Deadline in 1 Week!

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Award – Final Deadline in 1 Week!

The final deadline for the WriteMovies Sci-Fi and Fantasy Award is in just one week on May 9th! Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win great prizes – as well as getting FREE, automatic entry to our Spring Contest and the chance to win the Grand Prize of $3500!

As tomorrow is May 4th – also known as Star Wars Day! – we look to celebrate the most successful sci-fi franchise of all time (sorry Trekkies!).

Since the release of STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE in 1977, the Star Wars universe has expanded across every medium of storytelling. With games, books, TV shows, spin-offs and sequels, even the most dedicated fan struggles to keep up with the vast number of stories.

For writers, the STAR WARS universe represents the potential of your IP. The sci-fi and fantasy genres are arguably the most successful for building large franchises and extended universes, probably because of the freedom the writer has in creating the setting and sheer level of imagination involved; the lore of these worlds gives the writer extra tools to tell their story, which can itself end up captivating audiences.

However, this can also pose risks to the structure of the story. Imagine if A NEW HOPE had opened by introducing us to all the complex politics, history, and technology of a galaxy far, far away. It would a total snooze-fest, right? Instead, it uses its lore to enhance the story, focusing instead on the Hero’s Journey of Luke Skywalker and only explaining the minimum we need to know.

The key to a great sci-fi and fantasy script is creating a fascinating world for the characters to inhabit without losing focus on the story at heart.

Have you written the next STAR WARS? Have you come up with a fantastical world for audiences to fall in love with? Enter the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Award by the deadline on May 9th before it’s too late!

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