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Meet our 2023 Grand Prize Winner: Zack Kahn, writer of CURVEBALL

Meet our 2023 Grand Prize Winner: Zack Kahn, writer of CURVEBALL

Become the next Grand Prize Winner we pitch to the industry

We love working with a wide range of talented writers and taking their work out to the industry – if you’d like us to do the same for you, enter any of our current contests now! The final deadline is November 12th. To introduce you to last year’s Grand Prize Winner Zack Kahn, writer of CURVEBALL, and the work we’ve done with him to ready it for pitching, read on!

Zack KahnZack Kahn was born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and attended NYU Tisch Film School.

He started his career as a writer/director/producer at Nickelodeon and has since written for film, TV and promos with a focus on thriller/horror and comedy. He is also an actor that has appeared in numerous commercials.

Kahn has placed in Writemovies’ contest with 3 previous entries. “Curveball,” a high-concept thriller, is his first Grand Prize win.

Zack says: “Writemovies’ several rounds of development notes have been extremely insightful and helpful in enhancing the script and I’m eager for their team to expose the project to the appropriate eyeballs and ultimately facilitate production at the best possible home for this unique story.”

For your chance to follow in Zack’s footsteps and become the next Grand Prize winner, enter our 2023 Screenwriting Contest here today! Just $59…

How to select projects for directors, producers or actors as clients

How to select projects for directors, producers or actors as clients

We work with several established directors, such as double Oscar-nominee and double BAFTA-winner Habib Zargarpour, both as producers and as analysts. We get to consider works for them to direct, or for us to produce with them attached as director, or just to recommend they consider. Sometimes we’re sent books or scripts by writers’ agents or publishers, other times we’re considering the submissions to WriteMovies, other times we put a call out for something specific we think we could sell right now. So while assessing recent submissions from publishers, I thought we’d share thoughts about how to select projects for directors, producers or actors as clients… (more…)

Ian’s L.A. Diary, Wednesday March 4th – Warner Bros. and groundbreaking VFX!

Ian’s L.A. Diary, Wednesday March 4th – Warner Bros. and groundbreaking VFX!

The coronavirus crisis is making life hard for everyone right now – today, all Californians were ordered today to stay home. Here at WriteMovies, though, it’s business as usual thanks to an established business model we developed several years ago, enabling us to continue our work around the world from our own homes where necessary! We’ve got big plans coming up to help support our followers and clients during this pandemic, too – we’ll be telling you more about that next week…

But before that, we promised to share a week of Ian’s L.A. Diary from the beginning of March – and here’s Part 3! We GUARANTEE to get our winners’ scripts in front of top producers with the power to say yes and make things happen, and this sneak peek gives you an idea how. Here’s what Ian got up to on Wednesday March 4th… (more…)

Ian’s L.A. Diary, Wednesday March 4th – Warner Bros. and groundbreaking VFX!

Ian’s L.A. Diary, Tuesday March 3rd 2020 – meeting Impossible Dream Entertainment

To give a picture of how we engage with industry and pitch our winners’ scripts, our Director Ian Kennedy is sharing a week of his L.A. diary with us. He’s got meetings with major producers, organisations and other industry professionals to share with us, plus images from the scene. Today he meets the producers of Oscar-winners GET OUT and BLACKKKLANSMAN, plus THE MESSENGER and many other top films. (more…)

Ian’s L.A. diary, March 2nd 2020 – preparing for a big pitching opportunity and growing the WriteMovies team

Ian’s L.A. diary, March 2nd 2020 – preparing for a big pitching opportunity and growing the WriteMovies team

To give a picture of how we engage with industry and pitch our winners’ scripts, our Director Ian Kennedy is sharing a week of his L.A. diary with us. He’s got meetings with major producers, organisations and other industry professionals to share with us, plus images from the scene. (more…)

L.A. Industry Pitching tips! An ‘Inside Guide’ for Outsiders – Part 2

L.A. Industry Pitching tips! An ‘Inside Guide’ for Outsiders – Part 2

To give a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes at WriteMovies and TalentScout International Management, our Director of World Wide Development Ian Kennedy is sharing a week of his Hollywood/LA Diary with us at the start of March.

Expect news of meetings at major studios and with Elite producers, screenwriters and other adventures in Hollywood, plus a string of fresh images of iconic Hollywood locations.

In the meantime, we’ve brought together two of our Elite Mentors and a former WriteMovies winner living in LA to share their L.A. industry pitching tips. Here are our Elite Mentor Bobby Lee Darby’s tips about meeting preparations and pitching tips… (more…)

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