2024 Screenwriting Contest Winners and Honorable Mentions!
The WriteMovies 2024 Screenwriting Contest winners…
The WriteMovies 2024 Screenwriting Contest winners…
Today we’re announcing that the WriteMovies 2024 Screenwriting Contest is now open!
Prizes for the top three scripts! The top three entries and all prize winners will receive script mentoring worth $3200 and pitching to industry by TalentScout International Management!
All entries to the contests will also get a free one-page analysis of their crucial opening ten pages, meaning you’ll get professional feedback from our expert script analysts on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. To make the most of the feedback, you can re-submit your next draft for FREE until the contest closes!
We’re looking for the best scripts out there in any genre. WriteMovies has been working in the industry for over 20 years, and we’ll be taking all our winners’ scripts out to top producers and execs. So if you want to get your work out there, enter now!
More opportunities to win with our Genre Awards…
Next week we are also bringing back our Horror Award, our Romance and Comedy Award and our Sci-Fi and Fantasy Award.
Also new for 2024 is our Best Pitch Contest a chance to be a prize winner based on the strength of your pitch!
All winners gain the same prizes as the 3 overall winners of the full contest and are automatically entered into the overall contest. More information will be announced very soon!
To be extra prepared for entering, make sure to join us on September 16th for our upcoming session on How to Succeed in Screenwriting Contests.
The WriteMovies 2023 Writing Contest winners…
We love working with a wide range of talented writers and taking their work out to the industry – if you’d like us to do the same for you, enter any of our current contests now! The final deadline is November 12th. To introduce you to last year’s Grand Prize Winner Zack Kahn, writer of CURVEBALL, and the work we’ve done with him to ready it for pitching, read on!
Zack Kahn was born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and attended NYU Tisch Film School.
He started his career as a writer/director/producer at Nickelodeon and has since written for film, TV and promos with a focus on thriller/horror and comedy. He is also an actor that has appeared in numerous commercials.
Kahn has placed in Writemovies’ contest with 3 previous entries. “Curveball,” a high-concept thriller, is his first Grand Prize win.
Zack says: “Writemovies’ several rounds of development notes have been extremely insightful and helpful in enhancing the script and I’m eager for their team to expose the project to the appropriate eyeballs and ultimately facilitate production at the best possible home for this unique story.”
For your chance to follow in Zack’s footsteps and become the next Grand Prize winner, enter our 2023 Screenwriting Contest here today! Just $59…
The WriteMovies 2022 Writing Contest winners…
We’ve been keeping up with our work pitching our winners’ scripts lately, making sure that we’ve got everything ready as we reach out to industry. Here are a few of the things we’ve been up to…
Last Sunday saw the 2021 Oscars crown its winners. Whether you agree or disagree with the Academy’s decisions, and no matter what you think about the awards themselves, there’s always something to be learned. Here’s our take on this year’s Oscars…