Have your scripts, books, articles mentored direct from Alex Ross with WriteMovies.com!
Dr. Alex Ross
Over twenty years in the Hollywood film industry working with and for the studios as agent, manager, and producer. “I ran close to 7000 pitch meetings, most with the studio heads of production. Worked with several Academy nominees and discovered two.
One of the very few film industry professionals with a research background. I recently completed a Ph.D. looking at how production companies turn their scripts into blockbusters. Eight years of research, interviewing hundreds of filmmakers. If I cannot make you succeed, no one can.
I am a member of the British Film Academy (BAFTA) as well as an expert consultant to the European Union’s EACA program, which I advise on which film projects to invest in.”
Mentoring & Editing Options:
“Studio Coverage: This is the same feedback a studio analyst will provide the executives or agents will receive when you submit for consideration. You need to know what they say about your script before you actually submit it, as once they have turned you down they are extremely unlikely to reconsider. This costs $179. Contact us!
Development Notes: These are the same notes that writers who have been optioned will receive from the studios and production companies. They are much more detailed and address every issue that needs fixing. Whereas Studio Coverage is about telling the executive why to acquire a project, or mainly not, as the case may be, Development Notes are purely geared towards helping you fix all issues. I also provide detailed margin notes for the entire script. On top of this, through our email exchanges, I will get a good idea of what your goals are and I will provide you with bespoke guidance on how to get there. Nothing makes me happier when one of my clients comes back to me with a deal. Remember: this is not some script consulting service, this is mentorship. Most of my clients have been with me for years because it is hard to find anyone who will tell you the truth in this business. My only agenda is your success. Available for $299. Contact us!
Development Margin Notes: The same level of detail as the Development Notes above, but without the report. The cool thing about this option is that you see exactly where the issues with your script are alongside my recommendations on how to fix them. $250. Contact us!
New project concept pitch: Few things are more important than getting the concept of your script right before investing months of your life on a project that has little chance of selling from the get-go. We am glad to provide you constructive feedback as well as improvement suggestions. Either up to four pitches of up to half a page each or one longer synopsis of up to four pages. $100. Contact us!
Short film script: Tell me what you need, what your specific concerns are and you will get detailed notes to address all issues. Contact us!
If you have a novel, play, short story, or article that you think could make a great film please email us. We would be happy to discuss the project and provide you with a detailed report on how to proceed, to include advice on how to get the script written or access to screenwriters. On a merit basis, we would also be happy to make introductions to agents and producers.
For producers, I am able to provide detailed insight into the revenue potential of a film project. Please email us.
One-hour face-to-face meeting at BAFTA in London or in Beverly Hills to discuss your project and career, charged per appointment – email us.”