by WriteMovies | Oct 11, 2024 | Industry Diary, Pitching, Updates
All year round, we develop our award-winning writers at WriteMovies and other clients through TalentScout International Management while connecting to successful producers and talent for dealmaking with them, while enriching our network of industry contacts. Find out what we’ve been doing for our winners and clients here! (more…)
by WriteMovies | Mar 13, 2024 | Academy, Online sessions and screenwriting classes, Screenwriting Courses, Screenwriting Courses On Demand
Our Script Concept and Theme Online Course is now available on demand from as low as $15!
by WriteMovies | Feb 16, 2024 | Academy, Competition Offers, Contests, Development Notes, News, Offers, Online sessions and screenwriting classes, Screenwriting Contests, Screenwriting Courses, Studio Consulting, WriteMovies Academy, WriteMovies News
Take your career to the next level by climbing our Ladder to Success for Screenwriters!
We’ve launched our Ladder to Success for Screenwriters. Whatever your skills and success, you can climb our ladder to progress your career to the next level!

With 25 years of success since WriteMovies was first launched, we’ve got a great foundation for building writers’ careers at WriteMovies, and a new model for helping you to the next level in 2024! WriteMovies is built on our founder’s unique industry expertise and contacts and our Director’s extensive industry and business experience and grassroots contacts.
Mastering Professional Screenwriting and Pitching course
On February 29th (11am PST, 2pm EST, 7pm GMT) we’re launching the first of many online courses from WriteMovies Academy where you can master professional screenwriting and pitching! In this first online workshop, we’ll dive into crafting compelling Concepts and Themes for film and television. The cost is $30 per session or $150 for the full 6-part course: Concept and Theme (Thursday February 29th), Development and Outlining (March 28th), The First Draft (April 25th), The Second Draft (May 30th), Pitching and Promoting (June 27th), That’s a Wrap (July 25th)! Purchase tickets here:
Contests, Mentoring and Development
With our Anytime Entry service, you can enter your script at any time for just $45 and receive:
- An analysis of the crucial first ten pages of your script, focusing on its key strengths and weaknesses.
- A writer evaluation, where our analyst considers its potential for our representation and pitching to industry (guaranteed to all writers who earn a Recommended rating!).
- Free entry to any relevant contest we open this year – which can also be for your next draft, if your writer evaluation gains a Consider or Recommend!
Or you can inform your next steps as a writer by entering for a WriteMovies Studio Consulting Report, Development Notes or get Script Consultancy Services direct from Dr. Alex Ross! Wherever you are in your screenwriting career, we can take you to the next level as you climb our Ladder to Success!
Recognition, Awards & Talent Management, Pitching & Dealmaking, Production & Distribution… all building global audiences and enduring careers!
We’re looking forward to showing you more examples of how we build recognition for our winners and pitch them to industry in the coming weeks… watch this space!
by WriteMovies | Feb 2, 2024 | Contests, Industry Diary, Industry News, News, Our Winners, Pitching, Success Stories, WriteMovies News
The Hindi rights to Curveball have already been optioned to Exceed Entertainment in Mumbai for a Hindi-language adaptation of this uniquely high-concept thriller! The potential is for the sale to result in a Bollywood-style version that gives a fascinating new twist to this story without impacting the English-language audience, who can expect a grittier style and different kind of sport (and stadium) as its backdrop. English-language rights are still available – and industry producers and established talent can get in touch with us today to find out more and request the script and our vivid One-Page Pitch. (more…)
by WriteMovies | Aug 4, 2023 | 2023 Screenwriting Contest, Contests, Horror Award, Screenwriting Contests

2023 Horror Award winner revealed: THE LAND OF BROKEN SKY by Jeremy D. Thompson!
Thanks for all your entries to our 2023 contests, which closed on Sunday. We’re enjoying judging your works and we’re already set with a first winner to announce, postponed a few days due to the contest extension: our 2023 Horror Award winner, THE LAND OF BROKEN SKY by Jeremy D. Thompson!
Congratulations to Jeremy for a vivid and highly original script full of unique visuals and skin-crawling moments. We’re really looking forward to helping develop this further and pitching it to industry.
This is just the first of our results announcements to cap off the year – many more to come over the weeks ahead so watch this space! Congratulations once again to our 2023 Horror Award winner Jeremy D. Thompson.
by WriteMovies | Nov 26, 2022 | Archive Articles from WriteMovies, Writers' Journeys
The Horror genre offers endless many ways for a scriptwriter to celebrate the genre and put their own spin on it. But have you thought about all of the horror subgenres that it’s made up of? Which one could empower your writing the most?
Since cinema began, audiences have flocked to the screens to be scared by horror movies. Since the first horror movie, LE MANOIR DU DIABLE from 1896, the horror genre has fascinated and frightened cinemagoers. As it evolved, so did the number of subgenres. How many subgenres of the horror genre can you name? Wikipedia states there are in fact 50 – from the almost clichéd Gothic to the obscure (but worthwhile!) Jiangshi subgenres. In the rarer but well-known Erotic Horror sub-genre, SHIVERS is a great example. Horror expert David Cronenberg spins a story that erotically exploits the parasitic residents of a suburban high-rise apartment building, turning them into mindless, sex-crazed fiends who are out to infect others by the slightest sexual contact.
Meanwhile in a totally different subgenre, no one can forget the terrifying joy of Horror Comedy with such classics as EVIL DEAD II and ZOMBIELAND a subgenre that is still flourishing today. And in another subgenre, have you seen the box office successes of THE CONJURING 3: The Devil Made Me Do It, and THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE, which Wikipedia describes as Legal Horror films?
With such vast hoards of horror subgenres to draw from and play to, horror is a great place for writers to show their imagination and originality. Horror can be subdivided in a remarkable number of ways, which all had to start somewhere, with one great original story that broke the mold! Can you create a new sub-genre with your next script? Maybe it´s Roman Dramatical Horror, a Robot Horror Comedy, or a Sci-fi Fake Documentary Crime Horror it seems the options are endless – and so are the number of ways you can refresh and reinvent the familiar, too. What is for sure is that we want more excitement, thrills, and spills that this multitude of growing genres has to offer.
by WriteMovies | Sep 9, 2021 | Industry Diary, Industry News, Updates

Oh, and in other industry news, apparently there’s a Bond movie out this Fall as well. I’m guessing we can’t say “you heard it here first!” but anyway! In honor of it, this is the 007 Stage at Pinewood Studios photographed by our Director between meetings there.
It’s been an exciting time for our winners – as well as the new Success Stories we’ve already shared with you about exciting deals that Vanisha and Elizabeth have done thanks to their wins with us, we’ve got at least two more to come, which we’re itching to be able to reveal! Watch this space… but that’s just the start. We’ve got a lot of other entertainment industry discussions and activity to share with you this Fall. Here are other exciting discussions and outcomes we’ve been gearing up for this summer: (more…)