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We’ve been keeping up with our work pitching our winners’ scripts lately, making sure that we’ve got everything ready as we reach out to industry. Here are a few of the things we’ve been up to…

  • We are carrying out more work on the website for our industry partners TalentScout International Management, making it an even better platform for pitching our winners’ scripts to industry!
  • Prepping newsletters about our most recent winners for our industry mailing list – a key part of our pitching strategy. Really excited to show our contacts these gripping projects…
  • And now we’ve started to send out those newsletters! We’ll be following up with our contacts who show an interest, chasing leads, and sending out even more emails as we get our winner’s scripts into the right hands. Stay tuned for more news!
  • We’re currently researching distributors for THE LIST, a WriteMovies produced film starring Wayne Brady. Originally made in 2007, we can’t wait to get this film back out there for you all to see!
  • Our One-Page Pitch documents are crucial for getting our winners’ scripts out there – so we’ve been putting the time in crafting and fine-tuning them lately, making them as good as they can be.

We’ll be updating you with even more exciting industry news over the coming weeks and months as we continue our work. So watch out for that!

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