We provide studio-quality script reports to show writers and producers how the industry would currently rate and handle their script, and to help take them to the next level. All of our reports follow industry-standard formats, and are designed to give you honest, constructive feedback on your work.
Studio Coverage – $99
- Constructive, professional, and honest feedback on the cinematic potential of your script by professionals.
- A one-page synopsis on the key points of the story.
- One page of comments from professional readers similar to those producers and executives get.
- The option for recommended scripts to be pitched to agents and producers in Hollywood.
- 10,000 times more confidence proceeding if you know your script is perfect.
- Click here to find out more: https://writemovies.com/script-mentoring/consulting-for-writers/studio/
Development Notes – $149
- A comprehensive analysis of your script, focusing on topics such as concept, structure, characters, and commercial viability.
- Constructive, professional, and honest feedback on the cinematic potential of your project.
- Identifies key strengths and weaknesses in your script and provides creative suggestions on how to improve it.
- We will submit recommended projects to top notch agents and producers here in Hollywood.
- Click here to find out more: https://writemovies.com/script-mentoring/consulting-for-producers/development-notes/
Elite Mentoring – $499
- Constructive, professional, and honest feedback on the cinematic potential of your script by industry veterans.
- Either: Personal mentoring by actual Hollywood Producers, Face-to-Face (if in Los Angeles) or on the phone; or, detailed notes encompassing feedback on dialogue, story line, structure, pace, characters etc.
- Full analysis on length and effectiveness of story telling.
- Accurate predictions on possible audience response emotionality and possible cult factor.
- Professional advice on how executives and producers analyze your material and what they look for.
- Pointers to convince executives and producers of your passion and competence as well as the box office potential.
- Fundamental career advice on how to get agents, how to pitch and what to write.
- The option for recommended scripts to be pitched to agents and producers in Hollywood.
- All of which gives you vastly more confidence proceeding if you know your script is perfect.
- Click here to find out more: https://writemovies.com/script-mentoring/consulting-for-writers/elite/
Promoting great global storytelling since 1999.
Since we were established in Hollywood in 1999 we’ve been the company who help you choose the best scripts and projects, develop them to their fulfil their potential, and get them sold and produced, with two Oscar-nominated writers among our notable success stories. Our acclaimed services and contests mirror how your script will fare in the industry right now.
Any writer looking to move their script to a higher level can’t go wrong by turning to WriteMovies for feedback.

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Our Grand Prize contest (and entering our Special Prize contests too) offer $2000 prize money, a year of free script consultancy and guaranteed pitching to the industry, plus InkTip bonuses.