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The WriteMovies Sci-Fi and Fantasy Award is always a blast, as we blast off to other worlds! Your scripts have shown the full possibilities of the human imagination, but from everything we’ve seen, we’ve finally chosen a winner!

Sci-fi and fantasy are genres that often spawn franchises thanks to the complex lore and story worlds that give storytellers so much to explore. That helps make them even more exciting as we look forward to pitching all our winners to industry.

Don’t forget: even if you’re not the winner this time around, your quest isn’t over. Keep working on your script and re-enter into future contests. Perseverance is vital for writers!

And if you need a bit of help to get there, check out our sci-fi and fantasy themed writing insights articles, covering everything from worldbuilding, dialogue, and more.

Or if you’re looking for more personalized feedback and guidance, take a look at our Elite Mentoring service to get the support you need from top industry veterans.

But for now – buckle up! It’s time to announce the winner of the WriteMovies Sci-Fi and Fantasy Award 2022…



By Illimani Ferreira

A big congratulations to Illimani, who has won guaranteed pitching to industry, two sets of Development Notes, and continued script development from us!

We’ll be telling you more about Illimani and his script soon. Keep an eye out to see which submissions make it to the WriteMovies 2022 Writing Contest Quarter-Finals on July 15th!

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