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Our Script Pitching and Promoting Online Course is now available on demand from as low as $15!

Script Pitching and Promoting

This session is Phase 5 of WriteMovies Academy’s Mastering Professional Screenwriting and Pitching course.

Have you got a screenplay that you would like to get in front of a producer but you don’t know how? Our Script Pitching and Promoting Course is here for you!

Throughout the session, our 6 Mini-Masterclasses cover:

  1. Loglines – The central thread of your project.
  2. One-Page Pitches – Creating a movie poster – for your script!
  3. Presenting the key selling points of your script What are the features that producers and talent look for, and how can you convince them your project will have them?
  4. Making your project and script as compelling and convincing as it’s going to get Having a winning answer to every kind of response, feedback, ‘rejection’ or criticism!
  5. Speed pitchingThe best way to sharpen up your pitch and your presence before you get your golden opportunity!
  6. Pitch Meetings​​Your best chance at getting commissioned or optioned!

Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 are also available on demand:

Phase 1: Concept and Theme – Click here for more information.

Phase 2: Development and Outlining – Click here for more information.

Phase 3: Scriptwriting First Drafts – Click here for more information.

Phase 4: Scrip Redrafting and Proofing – Click here for more information.

For information about the Mastering Professional Screenwriting and Pitching course please visit


See below to access this unique on-demand course in your preferred currency ($USD, $CAD, $AUD and £GBP).

Select from the dropdown ‘Pitching with mentoring’ if you’d like to complete the activities suggested in the course, and submit them to WriteMovies for professional feedback and mentoring!

When you click on these buttons you can pay with either a PayPal account, or with the ‘Pay by Debit or Credit Card’ option underneath that.


We hope you enjoy our Script Pitching and Promoting Online Course! To view and book future events please click here.

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