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Thanks for all your support during this contest cycle! This is where it gets exciting – first Winter 2019 Screenwriting Contest results and a chance to share our judging findings and reasons with you. Whether you submitted or not – this is worth reading on about.

With the last contest closed, we’ve finally been able to switch to the new hosting we’ve been lining up. You can contact us as normal again like you did before, and use the website as normal too. If there’s any feedback you’d like to share, go for it – we’re determined to do better for you guys in all areas in 2019, our 20th anniversary year, marking 20 years promoting great global storytelling.

TypewriterThis is just the beginning of changes under the new business structure – for a taste of things to come, check out the French side of the business, through which we have been testing out our distinctive new look and interface:! We’ll also continue to optimize the site behind the scenes too, to improve your experience.

Also coming up very soon will be promotional videos and Mini-Masterclasses, and much more – we can’t wait, hope you love watching them as much as we’re enjoying making them!


Winter 2019 Screenwriting Contest Results

Ian Kennedy at BAFTA

Since it’s their results week, here’s a pic of Ian Kennedy at BAFTA

This is the tough bit… where we have the most decisions to make, and the most people to disappoint. We make it our job to constantly open a door for writers and push their work to the next level, and take the ones that are ready into the international industry – but everyone is starting from a different place and whatever level a writer reaches they always have further steps to take to succeed and sustain themselves in the industry.

To help you understand our logic and tips for how to make your work stand out to us, our Director Ian writes articles about What Your Writing Is Telling Us when he’s got tips to share from what he’s been reading. It’s intended to help you understand common mistakes that many writers are making right now in our opinion, and simple fixes you can make that will make your script more solid quickly.

After this, if you’re still unsure why your script isn’t getting the breaks you expect, we strongly recommend you get one of our Mentoring/Consultancy reports
, to show you where your writing currently stands, what’s standing between you and your goals, and how to fix it. We’ve kept the prices as low as we possibly can to help you with this.

Everyone has their own opinion, but our reports are drawn directly from industry formats and standards to give you the strongest indication possible of how the industry would currently respond to your script. Check out our packages HERE.

We especially recommend that if your concept is a bit ‘out there’. There may be only a few solvable issues between your originality and a commercially viable project – but if they’re serious issues (and with ‘out there’ concepts, they almost always are) your submission will be coming out below a lot of less interesting submissions until they’re fixed, but might really fly once they are.

Firstly, if you’re not sending a screenplay or teleplay, what we’re judging your submission on is its screen potential. How well would this project pitch and adapt to become a production with international potential. Can this storytelling be carried purely by images and spoken words? How effectively? Has the writer fallen into the easy traps of exposition and literary devices, or have they found ways to tell their story through what we see and hear and the voices we’re following?

This is just the start of our ‘What your scripts are telling us right now’ article: CLICK HERE TO READ ON.

And now… it’s time… for the Winter 2019 Screenwriting Contest Results!


SECRETS OF THE SOUTH, Kathy Berardi & Walter Richardson THE DAWN OF EVE, James Bingham LE SECRET DU KATANA NOIR, Christian Bourgeois
LA VENGEANCE DU COBRA, Christian Bourgeois THE WALL, Anthony Buono UNE CHANCE POUR GUERIR, Christine de Chauvelin
PSYCHOANALYTIC TALES, Christine de Chauvelin STRUCK, Elaine F Chekich IMMORTAL SHADOWS, Jannes C. Cramer & Kirsty C. Olivant
ICE CREAM DON’T MELT IN ENGLEWOOD, Richard Ehrenreich THE HUNTED, Mark Flood MONEY MAN, Shunsuke Funakoshi
WITHOUT BORDERS, Chris Gebhardt & Jenn Russi LAST CHRISTMAS, Owen Gower THE KEEPERS, Richard Guimond
BAD LISTING, Brent Hartinger A PAWN FOR MALICE, Cynthia Helwig-Putorti KOBOS, Adam Hersh
PARAD’EYES, Bon Jerome HOLLYWOOD’S MOST WANTED, Manny Jimenez Sr. INCOMPLETE, Kenson Junicue
THE SAX, Pascal Kulcsar GRIGNE-DINTS, Pascal Kulcsar AGENT 355, Laura Lambert
IN THE ABSENCE OF JUSTICE, Stephen F Maynard AKATEWA, Jean-Marie Mazaleyrat & Edith Woi ACCEPTANCE, Sean McKenzie
THE EMPTY CHURCH, Lawrence Moore DESERT QUARRY, James Palmer SHINE YOUR EYES, James Palmer
PROMISE OF TOMORROW, Andrew Pennington BLOOD FOR FREEDOM, Jean-Pierre Piché THIS IS NOT REVENGE, David Pierotti
FANTASY DATES, Dawn Rochelle MAN AT THE TOP, Larry Shulruff BOY MOST WANTED, Tuck Tucker
ESTHER’S DEN, Persephone Vandegrift A NOTE FROM AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE, Bill Walker TORCHBEARERS, Carl Williams
THE CRACK IN PEGGY SUE’S FLOOR, John Woodard OLD, Tessa Wenslany MARY ELLEN, Lauren Wood

Keep an eye out for more Winter 2019 Screenwriting Contest results from us, as we move on now to judge Semi-Finalists, Finalists, and then winners!

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