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Is this best screenwriters list write on the money? Screenwriters working right now pick their top 100 screenwriters of all time – who are your top writers? Check out the list right here:

This is a very well put together list by a group of currently working screenwriters. Although we’d question how low down Spielberg is (he’s below the likes of Judd Apatow) this got us thinking as to how exactly a top top screenwriter should be defined. Sure, the story needs to be there, the characters engaging and empathetic, but all of the screenwriters in this excellent list have achieved this, so what else is there?

Variety – a top screenwriter should be able to write a wide range of characters, stories and genres. Of course, writers like Hitchcock, Allen, and Wilder all have their set genres they go to, but looking at their slates, they all have variety to their game.

Relationship with the director – Looking at this list, there are a few writers in that top 10 that are writer-directors. They write the script, they make the film. This is a commendable trait that someone can create a concept then bring it to life. Yet, there is also a brilliance in succeeding while never needing to be a director. A director’s knowledge of what to do with a script should be just as commendable as those writer-directors.

We’ll keep adding to this list periodically, so keep coming back for more on what we think makes the best screenwriters the best.

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