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What your writing submissions are telling us, 2017-2019

What your writing submissions are telling us, 2017-2019

Ian Kennedy at BAFTA

Since it’s their results week too as we publish this, here’s a pic of Ian Kennedy, our Director of Worldwide Development, at BAFTA for a recent meeting with our founder Alex Ross!

Announcing results is the tough bit… especially at the Quarter-Final stage, where we have the most decisions to make, and the most people’s to disappoint about their writing submissions. At WriteMovies we make it our job to constantly open a door for writers and push their work to the next level, and take the ones that are ready into the international industry – but everyone is starting from a different place and whatever level a writer reaches they always have further steps to take to succeed and sustain themselves in the industry. To help you understand our logic and tips for how to make your work stand out to us, our Director Ian likes to write articles about “What Your Writing Has Been Telling Us” over this time. (more…)

Focus On: Development Notes – In-Depth Script Analysis and Feedback

Focus On: Development Notes – In-Depth Script Analysis and Feedback

Development Notes

There’s no point anyone spending six months, two years, $80m or more on a script that has avoidable flaws. We all miss things in our own work that only an experienced professional can spot and help you rectify. If you put any value on the time and effort that your scripts require, then make the most of our other Summer Consultancy offers to take your writing and script to the next level.


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